• ComFusion

    Communication and organisation development insights for leaders and teams

  • “Communication –the human connection- is the key to personal and career success”Paul J. Meyer
  • “The art of communication is the language of leadership”James Humes
  • “Leaders who don’t listen will eventually be surrounded by people who have nothing to say”Andy Stanley
  • “The most important thing in communication is hearing what isn’t said…”Peter Drucker
  • “The biggest communication problem is we do not listen to understand. We listen to reply”Stephen R. Covey

Our approach

We intentionally do not work with one single methodology or one all-encompassing communication model: We are convinced that the biggest strength lies in the fusion of various proven methods and models.

No person, team or organisation is the same - no situation is the same. We know from experience that putting people or organisations in a so called box and working from there is not necessarily the most effective way to help you or your team to develop to your fullest potential.

Instead, we look at every person we work with as part of a system, or a context. If someone is performing optimally, or perhaps not optimally, this always has a (in)direct influence on others within this system or context (e.g. the team, other colleagues, interaction with clients, etc).

Knowing yourself well, and knowing when and how to communicate in a way that really suits your personality, will prove to be of great value to you: Only when you are communicating in a way in which you feel that you are being ‘true to yourself’ you can naturally grow into a communication style which is more effective, while you are being your authentic self. We prefer to work this way instead of advocating a’ one-size-fits-all’ approach, which will eventually not serve you, or others.

Some of the main elements we focus on when working together

Organisational sensitivity:

    • Creating more clarity and leadership in your communication.
    • Identifying the 'listening to respond principle’ and looking at ways to approach things differently.
    • Getting insights into yourself and others in the area of direct, indirect and non-verbal communication.
    • Understanding how to translate non-effective patterns into new, more effective patterns.

"What can I do, or can we do as a team to communicate more effectively, or maybe more respectfully?" are addressed. But also, "Do I dare to rely on my intuition in addition to knowledge and experience when I need to make difficult decisions?" “How can I be more open to the views of others, which can perhaps help me to see things in a different light? "

We can also help you or your team to better ‘read’ others when it comes to non-verbal communication. Understanding the meaning of things that are not said, can be extremely valuable.

We will gladly come to your office, or we can work together in another location if you feel that a different environment will help you or your team to feel more comfortable together and achieve results quicker.

Let us know - we look forward to thinking along with you.